Öö Blockinøøööþþøøóò Çç Ae Blockinùðø Èöóóððñ× Áò Ðð××׬ Blockin Blockinøøóò
Abstra t Most lassi ation algorithms experien e diÆ ulties when the input-output distribution is irregular (i.e., neighbor examples in the input spa e have di erent values in the output spa e), and sparse. We hara terize the diÆ ulty of a lassi ation problem using a limited number of examples by re-de ning a measure of lass variation to a ount for irregular distributions, and by introdu ing a new measure of example ohesiveness in the input spa e to a ount for (la k of) sparseness. Our empiri al study indi ates these measures orrelate with a ura y performan e.
منابع مشابه
Ìóûöö× Öö Blockinøøööþþøøóò Óó Èóðýòóñññð Èööööööò Ðð Blockin Blockinøøøøóò Ûûøø Îðùù Éùùööö× Ò Óñòòøóöööð Ù Blockinøøóò×
متن کامل
Aeaeùööð Ëøøøööòòò Ae Blockinùðø Òò Áñôó××××ðð Ëëõùùòøøøð Èöóóððñ× Óö Öööööòø × Blockin Blockinòø Óööóò Ååðððððò¸åå Blockinð à Ïö¸òò Âóòòøøøò È Ääûû×
متن کامل
Óññùòò Blockin Blockinøøóò Ae Blockin Blockin Blockinòø Ëè Ððóööøøñ Óö Ðð Aeaeaeöö×ø Ëññðððö Îðùù× Èöóóððñ
متن کامل